DOUBLE-ENTRY NOTETAKING WORKSHEET Subject: Esports Location: Santa Ana, California
According to a report from Newzoo, a market analytics company, 380 million people worldwide will watch eSports this year. Colleges have even gotten in on the action. More than 50 colleges have varsity eSports programs, recognized by a governing body called the National Association of Collegiate Esports With significant growth year-after-year, the eSports industry is a modern day gold rush. Major media networks ESPN, TBS, SyFy, and Telemundo all broadcast esports events. From young to old anyone can be admitted to an esports team
This shows that esports is starting to merge into being some huge in the near future due to the amount of people that watch it. Colleges beginning to adopt esports in their programs show the opportunity that it gives to others. Money won also goes to their scholarships
Esports is being broadcasted showing the popularity of it and its impact on people’s lives
There’s no discrimination in the esports world anyone can join
What surprised me?
What intrigued me?
What disturbed me?
by the end of 2020, the total global audience for e-Sports stood at nearly half a billion.
Newzoo estimates the number of competitive video game enthusiasts over 220 million globally.
In terms of audience, payouts, and pros, e-Sports are every bit as legit as a physical sporting event like the NBA or the NFL.
esports players are a lot like traditional athletes. -Like baseball players, they spend hours each day practicing their craft both on their own and as a team The US legally recognizes esports pros as professional athletes
Esports is so popular, Comcast is constructing a $50 million arena so fans can watch live!
Too much sitting-Being sedentary for too long is starting to be linked to numerous health complications
Gaming disorder-gamers prioritize esports over other activities to the degree where it impacts overall health and well-being.
Nutritional neglect It’s not uncommon for gamers to sit in one spot for hours. They might forget to eat or just grab the most convenient snack they can, so they can devour it quickly and get back to the game.
12,000 fans gathered in Philadelphia over the weekend to take in the 2019 Overwatch League Grand Finals.
Esports is a form of competition using video games. Esports often takes the form of organized, multiplayer video game competitions, particularly between professional players, individually or as teams. Esports is a growing community and has emerged as a modern day gold rush. I chose the esports community because I felt like not many people knew about it and would be interesting to observe from the outside perspective. Organized competitions have long been a part of video game culture since the mid-late 1900 it was largely conducted between the amateurs until the late 2000s, but as years went by professional gamers and spectatorship in these events through live streaming saw a large surge in popularity. By 2011 going on esports had gravitated the attention of the video game industry with many of them starting to host and find events and tournaments.
Whether you are an amateur or professional, esports tournaments are held on many different platforms. One of these platforms is Toornament is an esports platform for tournament organizers, participants, and their fans. Not only that but you can host your own tournaments. Toornament is one of the best platforms there because you don’t ever have to worry about the events being postponed because of lack of players or low prize poll, as the majority of which are packed with registered teams and participants.
This is the platform known as Toornament where you can register to play games
Another platform for esports is Gamebattles. Gamebattles It is one of the largest and longest online esports services for cash prize tournaments. Gamebattles currently has more than 10 million registered players worldwide and is growing.
This is the gamebattles website as you can see you can access the leaderboards and the different tournaments that they have
As in any organization esports has rules and regulations that the players must abide by
Some of these rules include
Every participant has to behave with respect towards the representatives of the ESL, press, viewers, partners and other players.
Participants must not engage in harassment or hate speech in any form.
All participants shall abstain, at all times, from poor, undesirable, or negative behaviour towards anybody involved with the tournament in any way.
All insults that happen during an ESL-Match or on the ESL platform, may be punished.
All forms of cheating in ESL matches are forbidden and will be penalized by the ESL. Players found cheating outside of the ESL may be barraged on the ESL depending on the evidence available.
Esports aims to make their community very welcoming to all participants no discrimination is tolerated and that makes the environment more safe and fun for everyone evolved. Rules are a big part of organization and esports makes sure to enforce this.
As competitive gaming became a real discipline in which people played to earn millions of dollars, more and more players put a lot of hope into winning a grand prize. Players usually had rituals/ routines they did before playing in the tournament. Some rituals that players tend to do before playing an esports tournament would be to pray. Some players actually pray as they feel a little more confident knowing they have lodged a pact with the Almighty. While this is a valid practice for billions of people, prayer in esports does strike as a little bizarre but it’s one of the ways people cope with pressure.
Another ritual that players tend to do is talk to themselves as odd as that may sound great players talk to themselves before an important tournament. They do this as a means to put them in the zone and prepare for the task ahead of them.
Some players also tend not to wash their clothes after winning a tournament. When I first saw this I was a little surprised but this is something that happens. There is a belief that your clothes are now your lucky charm and you can wear them again to guarantee yourself the same amount of luck.
Like any industry and profession, there is unique lingo that the members are able to communicate with. Each game has different terms, but there are generally a number of common terms that overlap.
As you may assume communication is very important when it comes to esports events. Lack of communication could be the reason why you lose a game. In esports, the lack of communication can derail an entire strategy of a team. This is the reason why you may see teams with headphones so they can communicate with one another.
-Video of an esports team communicating during tournaments.
Upon watching the video Cloud 9 utilizes two main voices. One of the leaders of the group refers to him as Smoothie. His mind works fast, and he directs the team to where they should be and what they should do. When he’s talking, you’ll rarely hear anyone else, except when an important call must be made. Leadership is a crucial part of esports and any esports team has a good leader that exhibits the same traits as Smoothie of C9.
The esports world has various demographics of people according to the scholarly article Video Games and Esports: The Growing World of Gamers. “ Among esports fans, 1 in 3 are aged 20–25. 1 billion people from all over the world watch video game tournaments. 60% of the total esports audience in the world come from the age group 16 to 24 years old.” (maley michael, 2020 , p. 34). A billion people watch esports and they are on the younger side of the spectrum
Esports Audience By Age
3% – 55 to 64 years old
6% – 45 to 54 years old
19% – 35 to 44 years old
38% – 16 to 24 years old
35% – 25 to 34 years old
Esports Audience By Gender
71% male
29% female
I selected my online community for this assignment by thinking out the box and doing something that I think not many people did. I also selected this community because it’s something that I find interesting and something that I do during my leisure time. The process was very long and demanding because this was an 8 week assignment where I had to do a lot of research on my community and different aspects of what they compose. Some adjustments that I made was adding videos and more pictures to better enhance the reader’s experience when it came to this online community. I also added some statistics that I found would help the reader. Some interesting things that I discovered was just how big the community actually was with audience numbers reaching the billions. Some primary and secondary I consulted were scholarly articles and esports community guidelines. Some course learning outcomes that I achieved was people able to coherently write my essay and also being able to analyze different piece of texts.
I feel my essay provides a compelling analysis of my community’s cultural norms because I really went in depth about my online community, the history behind them and how they operate. I describe my community at face value as well as go in depth so I can give the reader an introduction first then a deeper analysis. I feel my essay does its job when it comes to providing a social-scientific interpretation because Italk about it when it comes to the competitive aspect of esports. My essay emphasizes analysis over description because I go in-depth about the aspects of the organization and some of the rules and rituals that the players have. I feel like I need to work on my implementation of the ethnographic perspective because I didn’t really go in depth the first draft so that’s something that I need to add for my final. Yes I feel my essay paints a portrait of my community with a rich description because I explained what the esports community was and what they do. I also analyzed the rules of the esports and the community they have built. I still need to add some quotes from esports players and a couple more pictures that really highlight what the esports is about.
My partner was Nkasiobi Nwosu and before conducting the interview I was kind of skeptical due to the fact that my original partner was not able to attend so I felt kind of unprepared for the task at hand but as the interview went on I was able to get more insight on her subculture and what she identified as which was “Nigerian-American”. Nkasiobi was a first generation nigerian-american born in the bronx. The interview went very smoothly. I was about to learn more about her subculture being Ghanaian myself. I was able to relate to a lot of the things she was saying. One of the questions I asked her was what the role of women where in Nigerian culture. She told me that in the past Nigerian women were secluded to living in the house and carrying out common house chores but as years went by they were able to grow out of that systematic role they were placed in. The next question I asked was what made her different from other Nigerian she said that she’s a mix of American and Nigerian so it made her unique in her own way. Next question I asked her was if she felt pressure to succeed. She told me yes and I could relate to her being Ghanaian myself both cultures really emphasize the importance of being success and striving to be excellent in whatever to pursue in life so hearing that was really assuring knowing there were others that felt the same way as I did. The next question I asked was whether there was any misconceptions about Nigerians and she said they are often labeled as scammers which is something that I often hear too. They are also labeled as greedy and money hungry which is something that gets associated with Ghanaians as well but I see where this is coming from because I’ve met quite a few Ghanaians and Nigerians that exhibited the same trait. Next question I proceeded to ask was how being Nigerian changed her as a person. She told me it allowed her to appreciate her culture even more and it thought her valuable lessons. It gave her a sense of identity being Nigerian
The last question I asked her was whether her traditional views often clashed with her modern views. She told me that they often class because her family still holds on to their traditional value so their firm on their stance and modern views tend to go against traditional views so there’s always that conflict
Notes /questions
What are the roles of women in Nigerian culture ?
-OLD ROLES – stay at home men got to work Mother
New roles- independence
Evolution for men and women
What makes you different from your typical nigerian considering you’re part american?
Being born in the Bronx. Mixture of both worlds having Nigerian and a mix of New York in them
What are some important values to you as a Nigerian ?
Do you feel pressure to succeed ?
As a child
You have to make your family proud
Prideful – succeed for yourself – how she feel
And why do you think there’s pressure to succeed ?
What are some misconceptions about Nigeria culture ?
People think they are Scammers
Greedy and money hunger greedy
How has being Nigerian changed you as a person ?
the more I can in touch in my culture appreciation for views
Thought many things as an African and then translating it
Appreciate lessons thought by family
Identity is important
Do you think your traditional views clash with your modern views ?
All the time- famiy views and modern views very different gender roles and marriage consent battle between traditional views and
What makes your upbringing different from the typical Nigerian?
Nkasiobi Nwosu was my partner for this interview and before conducting the interview I was kind of skeptical due to the fact that my original partner was not able to attend so I felt kind of unprepared for the task at hand but as the interview went on I was able to get more insight on her subculture and what she identified as which was “Nigerian-American”. Nkasiobi was a first generation nigerian-american born in the bronx. The interview went very smoothly. She was very excited to tell me about her subculture. Even though we had issues with the camera, we were still able to have an engaging conversation. The lack of a camera didn’t hinder our conversation. I was about to learn more about her subculture being Ghanaian myself. I was able to relate to a lot of the things she was saying.
Nkasiobi seemed eager for the interview and by her tone she was very happy to share more about her. Being a woman in Nigerian culture I asked her what the role of women was in Nigerian culture. She told me that in the past Nigerian women were secluded to living in the house and carrying out common house chores but as years went by they were able to grow out of that systematic role they were placed in. Being half American and Nigerian I wondered what made her different from her counterparts. She’s a mix of American and Nigerian so it made her unique in her own way. Being of similar African background the pressure to succeed has always been evident in whatever I did. Nkasiobi herself also felt the same. She told me yes and I could relate to her being Ghanaian myself. Both cultures really emphasize the importance of being successful and striving to be excellent in whatever to pursue in life so hearing that was really assuring knowing there were others that felt the same way as I did. There will always be misconceptions about an individual’s subculture from an outsider’s point of view because they themselves are not engaged in that culture. I wanted to know if she experienced this, she said they are often labeled as scammers which is something that I often hear too. They are also labeled as greedy and money hungry which is something that gets associated with Ghanaians as well but I see where this is coming from because I’ve met quite a few Ghanaians and Nigerians that exhibited the same trait. Next question I proceeded to ask was how being Nigerian changed her as a person. She told me it allowed her to appreciate her culture even more and it taught her valuable lessons. It gave her a sense of identity being Nigerian. The last question I asked her was whether her traditional views often clashed with her modern views. She told me that they often clash because her family still holds on to their traditional values such as growing up and pursuing a profession in the medical field or just in general going against their word. I too I’ve experienced the same conflicts with my family as well so when she said that a smile came along my face. Overall I really liked interviewing her she really gave be insight on another culture and noticed we had similarities as well.
Notes /questions
What are the roles of women in Nigerian culture ?
-OLD ROLES – stay at home men got to work Mother
New roles- independence
Evolution for men and women
What makes you different from your typical nigerian considering you’re part american?
Being born in the Bronx. Mixture of both worlds having Nigerian and a mix of New York in them
What are some important values to you as a Nigerian ?
Do you feel pressure to succeed ?
As a child
You have to make your family proud
Prideful – succeed for yourself – how she feel
And why do you think there’s pressure to succeed ?
What are some misconceptions about Nigeria culture ?
People think they are Scammers
Greedy and money hunger greedy
How has being Nigerian changed you as a person ?
the more I can in touch in my culture appreciation for views
Thought many things as an African and then translating it
Appreciate lessons thought by family
Identity is important
Do you think your traditional views clash with your modern views ?
All the time- family views and modern views very different gender roles and marriage consent battle between traditional views and
What makes your upbringing different from the typical Nigerian?
This whole interview process was very enjoyable and I was able to learn many new things from my partner and build on the knowledge that I already had. The purpose of this was to interview someone with a different perspective and a different subculture and gain insight. The effects that I want this to have on the reader is a positive and informative effect. I want them to gain new understanding of this particular subculture and also an appreciation for the subculture as well. I think the readers would be Nkasiobi herself and maybe my fellow classmates and Ms Buno of course. My process for this essay was very freeform because I’ve never written an essay like this so I had to take an unorthodox approach to the whole essay as a whole. I prepared questions beforehand by reading her subculture so I could get a better understanding. Some decisions I had to make were selecting which questions to pick for the interview. Something that l learned about myself is that I did a good job interviewing my interviewee because I was to ask questions and following up questions so I could get a a more broad answer. I feel this assignment was different from our other ones because it challenged us to be out of our comfort he zone because we had to talk to another person. Some things that I like about this assignment was the whole process of interviewing someone. It was very different. Something that I would improve on is my cohesion of my writing so it could flow better. The comments of my peers and instructor helped me a lot because it was able to steer me in the right direction and helped me stay focused on the task.
Hello everybody the artifact that I will be presenting is the portrait of my late great grandmother and she is a very important to our family although she is no longer with us she was a role model to all of us and how our family is now. She had 7 kids and they went on to have kids and I eventually came about. Although I didn’t meet her my mom always told me stories about how she instilled a working ethic in all her kids and always laid a foundation of always facing adversity to get what u want. Being Ghanaian myself these foundations were always instilled in me at a young age. This picture was taken in the 1950s and I got this picture when I went back to Ghana in 2013 to visit family back there. I believe the picture is over 50 years old. This photo was taken for her 30th birthday. Whenever we have a family gathering her picture is always in the center of the room because we all adored her that much. The reason why I chose this artifact is because our grandmother has always been the glue that held the family together when it came to arguments and what not she was always the delegator and made sure things always ran smoothly. Another reason why I chose this artifact was because it meant a lot to my family and it was fairly easy to pick due to the admiration we had towards her. It only seemed right. This artifact is important to me personally because the values that my grandmother teaches her kids is what my mom instilled in me. Hardworking ethics and core values are what my family embodies and she had a big part in that happening. Culturally the way my family acts and the things we value is because of her. The greater story that the artifact tells the reader about my life, family, and culture is that I come from a place of strong values and work ethics and also it shows that my grandmother was an important figure in my family and was sort of the leader in my family. If I wanted to find the background of the artifact I could ask my other family members about it because they could possibly know more than me given they were all very close to her. That portrait is the only living picture of her so that portrait is precious to us. My grandmother instilled in us the importance of family. Every Sunday we always have a big dinner with all my family, my family is very huge so at least 20 people come every Sunday. I used to ask her why we always had a big dinner every Sunday and she said that because of my grandmother she used to tell them when they were young that when they grow up and she’s not here she wants them to always have dinner on sunday with family and that’s been something we’ve been doing for years just because of her.
The artifact that I decided to choose was the portrait of my late great grandmother and she is very important to our family although she is no longer with us she was a role model to all of us and taught us the importance of family. She had 7 kids and they went on to have kids and I eventually came about. Although I didn’t meet her, my mom always told me stories about how she instilled a working ethic in all her kids and always laid a foundation of always facing adversity to get what u want. Being Ghanaian myself these foundations were always instilled in me at a young age. This picture was taken in the 1950s and I got this picture when I went back to Ghana in 2013 to visit family back there and we brought it with us . I believe the picture is over 50 years old. This photo was taken for her 30th birthday near the garden by her house. The photo was taken by my uncle who was a photographer at the time. The photo was in a wooden frame. In the portrait she is sitting with her arm crossed with a dress tailored by my aunt. Whenever we have a family gathering her picture is always in the center of the room because we all adored her that much. The reason why I chose this artifact is because our grandmother has always been the glue that held the family together when it came to arguments and what not she was always the delegator and made sure things always ran smoothly. Another reason why I chose this artifact was because it meant a lot to my family and it was fairly easy to pick due to the admiration we had towards her. It only seemed right. This artifact is important to me personally because the values that my grandmother teaches her kids is what my mom instilled in me. Hardworking ethics and core values are what my family embodies and she had a big part in that happening. Culturally the way my family acts and the things we value is because of her because she instilled in her kids the importance of having family by your side and the work ethic. Being a single mom of 7 she really was like a superhero to us and made sure her kids always had what they needed. The greater story that the artifact tells the reader about my life, family, and culture is that I come from a place of strong values and work ethics and also it shows that my grandmother was an important figure in my family and was sort of the leader in my family. Women in Ghanaian society back then were seen as bearers of children, housewives and sellers of produce so it was very rare for women to be the head of the household but in recent years this has changed. So her doing it at a time when it was out of the norm made her even more respectful. If I wanted to find the background of the artifact I could ask my other family members about it because they could possibly know more than me given they were all very close to her. That portrait is the only living picture of her so that portrait is precious to us. The portrait is given to the eldest female in our family so right now it’s with my mom. My grandmother instilled in us the importance of family. Every Sunday we always have a big dinner with all my family. My family is very huge so at least 20 people come every Sunday. I used to ask her why we always had a big dinner every Sunday and she said that because of my grandmother she used to tell them when they were young that when they grow up and she’s not here she wants them to always have dinner on sunday with family and that’s been something we’ve been doing for years just because of her. Family was important to her because she felt the bond between family was the strongest thing in the world
This artifact was to show readers a little bit about things I value and where they originated from. I want the reader to feel enjoyment from reading my work but also a bit about my culture and the things we value. I think the readers will be you and my fellow classmates. At first I didn’t know what artifact to choose but the portrait of my grandmother came to my head fairly easily. My planning was very freeform. I wrote a couple of sentences about the person she was and the rest just came about organically. I also had the help of the prompts to keep me on track. Some chances that I made was my intro. Ms Buno suggested that I should change my introduction a bit because it sounded like a presentation so I fixed it. I also had difficulty when it came to the addition of certain thighs because I didn’t want to lose track of the objective at hand so I just focused on the most important things.
I am from the towers From slushies and dollar pizza I am from the motherland Beautiful, vibrant and wonders to see for a lifetime I am from the cape sundew Family of droseraceae Leaves beautiful and evil in the same breath I am from yalas(celebrations in my language) and bad eye sight From Mariam and Adama I’m from the multitaskers and hard workers From never look down on someone and always strive to be your best I’m from communions bread and wine I’m from yelllow gold green black Jollof and fufu From the passing of my dad may 27 The mole on my gradma’s cheek Portrait of my grandma the wall to the right That side of the wall was her favorite place to sit
Hello my name is Sydney Ogude, and I’m a sophomore at city college. Some things you should know about me is that I’m a easygoing person and always open to making new friends. I like to play soccer during my spare time and just have fun with my friends. Something’s I hope to learn from this class is a better understanding of concepts in English and their connections with one another. This isn’t my first time in an online classroom setting I did this during my freshman year and I must say I am not a big fan of it but looking at our current circumstance I understand it’s what needs to be done. I’m hoping we would one day be able to meet in person. I look forward to meeting you all
Partaking in this course has really helped me improve as a writer. Prior to taking this course I wasn’t really confident in my writing abilities. I often didn’t stay true to what was asked of me to do but the more writing exercises that we did the better i grew as a writer. The writer I am now is not the same one I was a couple of weeks ago. The writing assignments that we have completed were not the traditional writing that I have been accustomed to so they really brought me out my comfort zone and helped me grow as a writer. The way I approach writing is very different now and that is shown throughout the pieces of writing that I have done this semester. This course has really helped me with ir comes to the way I brainstorm and putt together my work. I always use to put emphasis on my brainstorms which often took time away from actually writing but i’ve learned that with brainstorm you can just write anything and you just build up from there, That approach has really helped me spend more time on the writing itself and what is required of me.
I feel that the writings and assignments that I have done really highlights the course learning objectives that was required of us. The classmate interview that we recently completed was one of my favorite writing assignments that I’ve done because it was very different from any other assignment that I’ve written. The classmate interview really highlighted one of our course learning objectives which was acknowledge your and others’ range of linguistic differences as resources, and draw on those resources to develop rhetorical sensibility. The classmate interview required as us to learn about one another differences and to make an understanding of their views. We were able to teach one another something new. I think that the more writing pieces we did and the blackboard discussions really helped me enhance strategies for reading, drafting, revising, editing, and self-assessment. First drafts and free writing really helped me identify the type of writer that I was and label my strengths and weakness. Another objective that the classmate interview satisfied was developing and engaging in the collaborative and social aspects of writing processes because I had to engage in a conversation with my partner and from what I gathered from them I would have to write about it.
I feel like most of the writing i did required that I take a stance in my writings and some of these writings i will showcase in my writing portfolio. When it came to my subculture assignment I learned how to practice using various library resources, online databases, and the Internet to locate sources appropriate to your writing projects because I had to research my particular subculture and gather information from different places to better help me understand them. The last assignment that we did which was the online community was also an assignment that I liked because we researched a community online that we found intriguing. I feel that it highlighted an objective which was to strengthen your source use practices (including evaluating, integrating, quoting, paraphrasing, summarizing, synthesizing, analyzing, and citing sources) because I had to research my community and practice analyzing, summarizing the information that I gathered.
Engaging in genre analysis and multimodal composing to explore effective writing across disciplinary contexts and beyond was one of the objectives that I wish i placed more emphasis on. I felt like I needed to do better when it came to genre analysis. Overall this course was very beneficial it allowed me to grow as a writer and implement new things in my writing processes.
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